The Divan of Moses-Ibn-Ezra op. 207 (texte anglais)

Auteur CASTELNUOVO-TEDESCO Mario (1895-1968)


Partitions Chant et guitare

Illustration de The Divan of Moses-Ibn-Ezra op. 207 (texte anglais)
Éditeur Berben
Réf. éditeur BRB1713
ISMN/ISBN 9790215915206
Réf. DIAM 112712
Prix : 21,95 € Envoi différé
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Détail du recueil

Catégorie Auteur Description
1 Chant et guitare CASTELNUOVO-TEDESCO Mario The Divan of Moses-Ibn-Ezra op. 207
2    " "    " " The Dove that nests in the tree-top...
3    " "    " " The Wrung with anguish...
4    " "    " " Songs of friendship part II :
5    " "    " " Sorro shatters my heart...
6    " "    " " Fate has blocked the way...
7    " "    " " O brook ...
8    " "    " " Part III Of wine, and of the delights of the sons of men
9    " "    " " Drink deep, my friend...
10    " "    " " The gardens dons a coat of many hues...
11    " "    " " Part IV : The World andits vicissitudes
12    " "    " " Men and children of this world
13    " "    " " The world is like a woman of folly...
14    " "    " " Only in God I trust...
15    " "    " " Part V The transience of this world
16    " "    " " Where are the graves...
17    " "    " " Let man remember all his days ...
18    " "    " " I have seen upon the earth...
19    " "    " " Come now, to the court of death...
20    " "    " " Peace upon them...
21    " "    " " I behold ancient graves
22    " "    " " Epilogue Wouldst thou lool upon me in my grave ?