Lute songs : livres d'airs, avec tablature originale de luth et transcription guitare - 3e et 4e livres

Auteur DOWLAND John (1563-1626)

Partitions Chant et guitare

Illustration de Lute songs : livres d'airs, avec tablature originale de luth et transcription guitare - 3e et 4e livres
Éditeur Dover
Réf. éditeur DOV422445
ISMN/ISBN 9780486422442
Réf. DIAM 175726
Niveau de difficulté niveau 4 (sur 5)
Prix : 24,95 € Envoi différé
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Détail du recueil

Catégorie Auteur Description
1 Chant et guitare DOWLAND John Farewell to fair
2    " "    " " Time stands still
3    " "    " " Behold a wonder here
4    " "    " " Daphne was not so chaste
5    " "    " " Me, me, and none but me
6    " "    " " When Phoebus first did Daphne love
7    " "    " " Say love if ever thou didst find
8    " "    " " Flow not so fast ye fountains
9    " "    " " What if i never speed?
10    " "    " " Love stood amaz'd
11    " "    " " Lend your ears to my sorrow
12    " "    " " By a fountain where i lay
13    " "    " " Oh what hath overwrought
14    " "    " " Farewell unkind farewell
15    " "    " " Weep you no more, sad fountains
16    " "    " " Fie on this feigning
17    " "    " " I must complain
18    " "    " " It was a time when silly bees could speak
19    " "    " " The lowest trees have tops
20    " "    " " What poor astronomers are they
21    " "    " " Come when i call
22    " "    " " Disdain me still
23    " "    " " Sweet stay awhile
24    " "    " " To ask for all thy love
25    " "    " " Love those beams
26    " "    " " Shall i strive with words to move
27    " "    " " Were every thought an eye
28    " "    " " Stay time awhile thy flying
29    " "    " " Tell me true love
30    " "    " " Go nightly cares
31    " "    " " From silent night
32    " "    " " Lasso vita mia
33    " "    " " In this trembling shadow
34    " "    " " If that a sinner's sighs
35    " "    " " Thou mighty God
36    " "    " " When David's life
37    " "    " " When the poor cripple
38    " "    " " Where sin sore wounding
39    " "    " " My heart and tongue were twins
40    " "    " " Up merry mates
41    " "    " " Welcome black night
42    " "    " " Cease these false sports
43    " "    " " Far from triumphing court from A musicall banquet
44    " "    " " Lady if you so spite me from A musical l banquet
45    " "    " " In darkness let me dwell from A musical banquet
46    " "    " " Galliard to Lachrimae from A pilgrimes solace