Songbook (Guitar Tab)


Partitions Songbooks variété internationale

Illustration de Songbook (Guitar Tab)
Éditeur Faber Music
Réf. éditeur FAB0571529135
ISMN/ISBN 9780571529131
Réf. DIAM 188071
Prix : 29,95 € Envoi différé
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Détail du recueil

Catégorie Auteur Description
1 Songbook Etrang. LIBERTINES (The) Can't stand me now
2    " "    " " Last post on the bugle
3    " "    " " Don't be shy
4    " "    " " The man who would be king
5    " "    " " Music when the lights go out
6    " "    " " Narcissist
7    " "    " " The Ha ha wall
8    " "    " " Arbeit macht frei
9    " "    " " Campaign of hate
10    " "    " " What Katie did
11    " "    " " Tomblands
12    " "    " " The saga
13    " "    " " Read to ruin
14    " "    " " What became of the likely lads
15    " "    " " Don't look back into the sun
16    " "    " " Time for heroes
17    " "    " " Up the bracket
18    " "    " " What a waster