Graded pieces - Vol. 1 : 38 pièces faciles

Auteur PODGORNOV Nicolaï

Partitions Piano 2 mains

Illustration de Graded pieces - Vol. 1 : 38 pièces faciles
Éditeur Universal Editions
Réf. éditeur UE34551
ISMN/ISBN 9790008081002
Réf. DIAM 193444
Niveau de difficulté niveau 2 (sur 5)
Prix : 24,50 € Envoi différé
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Détail du recueil

Catégorie Auteur Description
1 Piano PODGORNOV Nicolaï On the meadow
2    " "    " " Allegro
3    " "    " " Alphorns
4    " "    " " Ping-pong ball
5    " "    " " Two little preludes
6    " "    " " Bear dance
7    " "    " " Study
8    " "    " " The little flower
9    " "    " " Song without words
10    " "    " " Staccatissimo !
11    " "    " " Legato !
12    " "    " " Little prelude in the russian style
13    " "    " " SOS
14    " "    " " Little prelude
15    " "    " " A sad tune
16    " "    " " Chorale
17    " "    " " Dancing sixths and thirds
18    " "    " " Flea dance
19    " "    " " On falling asleep
20    " "    " " Littel prelude
21    " "    " " Christams time
22    " "    " " Russian polka
23    " "    " " Boston waltz
24    " "    " " Thoughtfulness
25    " "    " " Fanfares
26    " "    " " Barcarola
27    " "    " " A kangaroo on his travels
28    " "    " " Pedal !
29    " "    " " Up down staircase
30    " "    " " The lake in the moonlight
31    " "    " " Merry-go-round waltz
32    " "    " " Mazurka
33    " "    " " Primavera
34    " "    " " The elves are playing
35    " "    " " The mockingbird
36    " "    " " Fiesta sevillana
37    " "    " " Little prelude
38    " "    " " Study