Piano songbook (P/V/G) : 24 titres


Partitions Songbooks variété internationale

Illustration de Piano songbook (P/V/G) : 24 titres
Éditeur Faber Music
Réf. éditeur FAB0571534481
ISMN/ISBN 9780571534487
Réf. DIAM 195917
Prix : 31,95 € Envoi différé
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Détail du recueil

Catégorie Auteur Description
1 Songbook Etrang. RADIOHEAD All I need
2    " "    " " Everything in its right place
3    " "    " " Exit music (for a film)
4    " "    " " Flake plastic trees
5    " "    " " Fog again (live)
6    " "    " " High and dry
7    " "    " " How I made my millions
8    " "    " " I want none of this
9    " "    " " Karma police
10    " "    " " Life in a glasshouse
11    " "    " " Like spinning plates
12    " "    " " Lucky
13    " "    " " Motion Picture soundtrack
14    " "    " " My iron lung
15    " "    " " No surprises
16    " "    " " A punch up at a wedding
17    " "    " " Pyramid song
18    " "    " " Sail to the moon
19    " "    " " Sit down
20    " "    " " Stand up
21    " "    " " Subterranean homesick alien
22    " "    " " Street spirit (fade out)
23    " "    " " Videotape
24    " "    " " We suck young blood
25    " "    " " A wolf at the door