Guitar Folio, tr. Steve Kahn


Sélection/arrangt KHAN Steve

Partitions Guitare jazz/rock/blues...

Illustration de Guitar Folio, tr. Steve Kahn
Éditeur Aebersold
Réf. éditeur 635621500884
ISMN/ISBN 9781562240943
Réf. DIAM 196042
Prix : 28,95 € Envoi différé
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Détail du recueil

Catégorie Auteur Description
1 Guit. jazz/rock MONTGOMERY Wes Angel eyes
2    " "    " " Besame mucho
3    " "    " " Bud's beaux arts
4    " "    " " Canadian sunsets
5    " "    " " Cariba
6    " "    " " D natural blues
7    " "    " " Days of wine and roses
8    " "    " " Ecaroh
9    " "    " " Four on six
10    " "    " " Freddie the freeloader
11    " "    " " Fried pies
12    " "    " " I've grown accustomed to her face
13    " "    " " Midnight mood
14    " "    " " Movin' along (Sid's twelve)
15    " "    " " Movin' wes, part 1
16    " "    " " Mr. Walker (Renie)
17    " "    " " O.G.D Road song
18    " "    " " Pretty blue
19    " "    " " Sundown
20    " "    " " Tear it down
21    " "    " " The Thumb
22    " "    " " The trick bag
23    " "    " " Twisted blues
24    " "    " " Up and at it
25    " "    " " West coast blues
26    " "    " " While we're youn