38 More modern studies for solo clarinet

Auteur RAE James

Clarinette méthodes - études

Illustration de 38 More modern studies for solo clarinet
Éditeur Universal Editions
Réf. éditeur UE21554
ISMN/ISBN 9783702470142
Réf. DIAM 200406
Niveau de difficulté niveau 2 (sur 5)
Prix : 21,75 € Envoi différé
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Détail du recueil

Catégorie Auteur Description
1 Clarin. méthodes RAE James Horizon
2    " "    " " Windsor march
3    " "    " " Waves
4    " "    " " Hungarian lament
5    " "    " " Intermezzo
6    " "    " " Entomology
7    " "    " " The organ grinder's apprentice
8    " "    " " The middle man
9    " "    " " The Sheriff
10    " "    " " Diversion
11    " "    " " Ups and downs
12    " "    " " Blue waltz
13    " "    " " Destiny
14    " "    " " The Swinger
15    " "    " " Staccato dance
16    " "    " " Pieces of eight
17    " "    " " Lucky number
18    " "    " " Olympic flame
19    " "    " " Rock summit
20    " "    " " Straight five
21    " "    " " Swing five
22    " "    " " Odd waltz
23    " "    " " Exhibit A
24    " "    " " Late train blues
25    " "    " " 5th Avenue
26    " "    " " Black puddin' jig
27    " "    " " Hot noodles
28    " "    " " Journeys
29    " "    " " Talkin' the talk
30    " "    " " The Funkmeister
31    " "    " " Breakaway
32    " "    " " And your time starts now!
33    " "    " " Loops
34    " "    " " Coastal reflections
35    " "    " " Fairground waltz
36    " "    " " Tongue twister
37    " "    " " New York
38    " "    " " Hocus pocus