The Roy Buchanan collection


Partitions Guitare jazz/rock/blues...

Illustration de The Roy Buchanan collection
Éditeur Hal Leonard
Réf. éditeur HL00690168
Collection Guitar recorded version
Réf. DIAM 203197
Prix : 35,50 € Envoi différé
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Détail du recueil

Catégorie Auteur Description
1 Guit. jazz/rock BUCHANAN Roy After hours
2    " "    " " Cajun
3    " "    " " Chicago smokeshop
4    " "    " " Five string blues
5    " "    " " Hey, good lookin'
6    " "    " " Hey Joe
7    " "    " " The messiah will come again
8    " "    " " Petal to the Metal
9    " "    " " Pete's blues
10    " "    " " Short fuse
11    " "    " " Sneaking godzilla through the alley
12    " "    " " Sweet dreams
13    " "    " " Tribute to Elmore James
14    " "    " " Wayfaring Pilgrim