Piano works from the movie : 23 morceaux du film "Goodbye Lenin !"

Auteur TIERSEN Yann

Partitions Piano musique de film

Illustration de Piano works from the movie : 23 morceaux du film "Goodbye Lenin !"
Éditeur Universal Music
Réf. éditeur USC 00010600
ISMN/ISBN 9790215203044
Réf. DIAM 204154
Niveau de difficulté niveau 3 (sur 5)
Prix : 36,75 € ENVOI IMMÉDIAT
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Détail du recueil

Catégorie Auteur Description
1 Piano mus. film TIERSEN Yann Summer 78
2    " "    " " Coma
3    " "    " " Childhood
4    " "    " " From prison to hospital
5    " "    " " Mother
6    " "    " " Watching Lara
7    " "    " " Selling dishes
8    " "    " " First rendez-vous
9    " "    " " The Decant session
10    " "    " " Lara's castle
11    " "    " " The Deutsch mark is coming
12    " "    " " I saw daddy today
13    " "    " " Birthday preparations
14    " "    " " Good bye Lenin
15    " "    " " Childhood
16    " "    " " Letters
17    " "    " " Mother's journey
18    " "    " " Preparations for the last TV fake
19    " "    " " Mother will die
20    " "    " " Father is late
21    " "    " " Father and mother
22    " "    " " Finding the money
23    " "    " " Summer 78