The Stevie Ray Vaughan guitar collection

Auteur RAY VAUGHAN Stevie

Partitions Songbooks variété internationale

Illustration de The Stevie Ray Vaughan guitar collection
Éditeur Hal Leonard
Réf. éditeur HL00690116
ISMN/ISBN 9780793560363
Réf. DIAM 208978
Prix : 44,00 € Envoi différé
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Détail du recueil

Catégorie Auteur Description
1 Songbook Etrang. RAY VAUGHAN Stevie Ain't Gone 'N' Give Up On Love
2    " "    " " Boot hill
3    " "    " " Couldn't Stand The Weather
4    " "    " " Dirty pool
5    " "    " " Empty arms
6    " "    " " Honey bee
7    " "    " " I'm cryin'
8    " "    " " Lenny
9    " "    " " Live without you
10    " "    " " Live another day
11    " "    " " Love struck baby
12    " "    " " Pride and joy
13    " "    " " Riviera paradise
14    " "    " " Rude mood
15    " "    " " Say what
16    " "    " " Scratch-n-sniff
17    " "    " " Scuttle buttin'
18    " "    " " Slide thing
19    " "    " " So excited
20    " "    " " Stang's swang
21    " "    " " The House is rockin'
22    " "    " " Tightrope
23    " "    " " Travis walk
24    " "    " " Wall of denial