25 duos d'après les cantates

Auteur BACH JS (Johann Sebastian) (1685-1750)

Sélection/arrangt SHERRY Fred

Partitions 2 Violoncelles

Illustration de 25 duos d'après les cantates
Éditeur Boosey & Hawkes
Réf. éditeur BHI 10651
ISMN/ISBN 9781458407931
Réf. DIAM 209810
Prix : 19,95 € Envoi différé
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Détail du recueil

Catégorie Auteur Description
1 2 Violoncelles BACH JS (Johann Sebastian) Why are you so fearful?
2    " "    " " Where can a poor man find help?
3    " "    " " Fear not
4    " "    " " I go hence
5    " "    " " Strong champion
6    " "    " " Do not forget to share
7    " "    " " What do i ask from the world!
8    " "    " " Be comforted
9    " "    " " Striving
10    " "    " " Rushing wind
11    " "    " " My anxiety is in vain
12    " "    " " Powerful
13    " "    " " My heart is frightened
14    " "    " " Exuberant
15    " "    " " Hurl to the ground
16    " "    " " Think about him
17    " "    " " Be faithful
18    " "    " " He puts down the mighty
19    " "    " " Faith bestows the highest good
20    " "    " " Jarring
21    " "    " " I feel anguish
22    " "    " " Prosperity and trouble
23    " "    " " Rejoice my heart
24    " "    " " Listen and understand
25    " "    " " The Bright light