Partitions Songbooks variété internationale

Illustration de WORLD MUSIC SONGBOOK (P/V/G)
Éditeur Hal Leonard
Réf. éditeur HL00311411
ISMN/ISBN 9781423425809
Réf. DIAM 209854
Prix : 25,95 € Envoi sous 3 à 9 jours
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Détail du recueil

Catégorie Auteur Description
1 Songbook Etrang. A La Nanita Nana (Hear Lullabies And Sleep Now)
2    " " Ach Du Lieber Augustin (O My Dearest Augustine)
3    " " Adios Muchachos
4    " " African Noel
5    " " Ah, Poor Bird
6    " " Aija, Anzit, Aija (Lullaby)
7    " " All Through The Night
8    " " Aloha Oe
9    " " Alouette
10    " " Au Clair De La Lune
11    " " Ballad Of Ned Kelly
12    " " Blooming Bright Star Of Belle Isle
13    " " Boil Them Cabbage Down
14    " " Botany Bay
15    " " Bow And Balance
16    " " Bring A Torch, Jeannette, Isabella
17    " " Carnival Of Venice
18    " " Carol Of The Bagpipers
19    " " Chiapanecas
20    " " Choucoune
21    " " Cielito Lindo (My Pretty Darling)
22    " " Cirandeiro
23    " " Clair De Lune
24    " " Cockles And Mussels (Molly Malone)
25    " " Dandansoy
26    " " Danny Boy
27    " " Dark Eyes
28    " " Down In The Valley
29    " " Dry Weather Houses
30    " " Du, Du Liegst Mir Im Herzen (You, You Weigh On My Heart)
31    " " Duerme Nino Pequenito (Sleep, My Baby, Precious Darling)
32    " " Duermete Nino Chiquito (Go To Sleep My Little Baby)
33    " " Ferryland Sealer
34    " " Finnegan's Wake
35    " " Flowers Of Joy
36    " " Frere Jacques (Are You Sleeping?)
37    " " Funiculi, Funicula
38    " " Gabi, Gabi
39    " " Greensleeves
40    " " Guantanamera
41    " " Hatikvah (With Hope)
42    " " Hava Nagila (Let's Be Happy)
43    " " Hoe Laat Is't? (What Time Is It?)
44    " " Il Bacio (The Kiss)
45    " " Impuku Nekati (The Mouse And Cat)
46    " " Iroquois Lullaby
47    " " I's The B'y
48    " " Italian Street Song
49    " " I've Been Working on the Railroad
50    " " Jamaica Farewell
51    " " Jeg Lagde Mig Saa Silde (I Laid Me Down To Rest)
52    " " Kehto Laula (Cradle Song)
53    " " Komoriuta (Lullaby)
54    " " Krakowiak (Darling Maiden, Hark, I Ask Thee)
55    " " Kum Ba Yah
56    " " La Cucaracha
57    " " Little Sandy Girl
58    " " Magasan Repul A Daru (Hungaria's Treasure)
59    " " Maquerule
60    " " Marianne
61    " " Matilda
62    " " Mexican Hat Dance (Jarabe Topatio)
63    " " Mi Caballo Blanco (My White Horse)
64    " " Nassau Bound
65    " " Ning Wendete
66    " " Nona Manis
67    " " Norwegian Dance
68    " " Paruparong Bukid (The Butterfly Field)
69    " " Pat-a-pan (Willie, Take Your Little Drum)
70    " " Pete, Pete
71    " " Pjesma (Come, My Dearest)
72    " " Ra Si'La Miele (Grind The Meal)
73    " " Rasa Sayang Eh (Oh, To Be In Love)
74    " " Rio, Rio
75    " " Rivers Of Babylon
76    " " Rocking
77    " " Rosa
78    " " Rouxinol Do Pico Preto (Nightingale With The Dark Beak)
79    " " Sakura (Cherry Blossoms)
80    " " Shalom Chaveyrim (Shalom Friends)
81    " " Shining Moon
82    " " Singabahambayo (An Army Is Marching)
83    " " Somebody's Knockin' At Your Door
84    " " Song Of The Volga Boatman
85    " " Sospan Vach (The Little Saucepan)
86    " " Swing Low, Sweet Chariot
87    " " Swiss Air
88    " " The Bamboo Flute
89    " " The Banana Boat Song
90    " " The Banks Of The Don
91    " " The Blue Bells Of Scotland
92    " " The Huron Carol
93    " " The Keel Row
94    " " The Overlander (The Queensland Drover)
95    " " The Three Ravens
96    " " This Little Light Of Mine
97    " " This Old Hammer
98    " " Thula Thu' (Hush, Hush)
99    " " Tutira Mai
100    " " Un Lorito De Verapaz
101    " " We Gather Together
102    " " Zum gali gali