Drumming together : 30 original snare drum duets


Partitions Caisse claire/tambour

Illustration de Drumming together : 30 original snare drum duets
Éditeur Southern Music Company
Réf. éditeur HL03770246
ISMN/ISBN 884088702533
Réf. DIAM 226820
Prix : 40,95 € Envoi différé
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Détail du recueil

Catégorie Auteur Description
1 Caisse cl./Tamb. SCHINSTINE W. On the Q-T
2    " "    " " Stand off
3    " "    " " Roll your troubles away
4    " "    " " Weeping willow waltz
5    " "    " " Frantic antic
6    " "    " " Double deal
7    " "    " " Hit and run
8    " "    " " Two ton tillie
9    " "    " " Cornball express
10    " "    " " Wallflower waltz
11    " "    " " Double file - March
12    " "    " " Insomnia
13    " "    " " Saturday nightmare
14    " "    " " Two for tea
15    " "    " " A little late for the downfall
16    " "    " " Two for the money
17    " "    " " Hey! Poncho!
18    " "    " " Kat-skin kapers
19    " "    " " Progressive elaboration
20    " "    " " Accent the negative
21    " "    " " Busy bee bop
22    " "    " " After hours session
23    " "    " " A mild rhubarb
24    " "    " " Duo rumba
25    " "    " " Through traffic
26    " "    " " Thom thumb tub thumpers
27    " "    " " Night shift
28    " "    " " The Power of positive practice
29    " "    " " Five foot 8