Greatest hits (P/V/G) - Vol. 1 et 2

Auteur JOEL Billy

Partitions Songbooks variété internationale

Illustration de Greatest hits (P/V/G) - Vol. 1 et 2
Éditeur Hal Leonard
Réf. éditeur HL00300988
ISMN/ISBN 9781540063557
Réf. DIAM 256905
Prix : 38,95 € Envoi différé
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Détail du recueil

Catégorie Auteur Description
1 Songbook Etrang. JOEL Billy Allentown
2    " "    " " Big shot
3    " "    " " Captain Jack
4    " "    " " Don't ask me why
5    " "    " " The Entertainer
6    " "    " " Goodnight Saigon
7    " "    " " Honesty
8    " "    " " It's still rock and roll to me
9    " "    " " Just the way you are
10    " "    " " The Longest time
11    " "    " " Movin' out
12    " "    " " My Life
13    " "    " " New York state of mind
14    " "    " " The Night is still young
15    " "    " " Only the good die young
16    " "    " " Piano man
17    " "    " " Pressure
18    " "    " " Say goodbye to Hollywood
19    " "    " " Scenes from an italian restaurant
20    " "    " " She's always a woman
21    " "    " " She's got a way
22    " "    " " The Stranger
23    " "    " " Tell her about it
24    " "    " " Uptown girl
25    " "    " " You may be right
26    " "    " " You're only human