Sheet music collection (P/V/G)

Auteur SHELTON Blake

Partitions Songbooks variété internationale

Illustration de Sheet music collection (P/V/G)
Éditeur Hal Leonard
Réf. éditeur HL00370798
ISMN/ISBN 9781705147382
Réf. DIAM 259430
Prix : 30,00 € Envoi différé
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Détail du recueil

Catégorie Auteur Description
1 Songbook Etrang. SHELTON Blake God's country
2    " "    " " Some beach
3    " "    " " Honey bee
4    " "    " " Hillbilly bone
5    " "    " " God gave me you
6    " "    " " All about tonight
7    " "    " " Who are you when i'm not looking
8    " "    " " Drink on it
9    " "    " " Nobody but you
10    " "    " " Sure be cool if you did
11    " "    " " Boys 'round here
12    " "    " " Mine would be you
13    " "    " " Doin' what she likes
14    " "    " " Lonely tonight
15    " "    " " Sangria
16    " "    " " Came here to forget
17    " "    " " Happy anywhere
18    " "    " " A Guy with a girl
19    " "    " " I'll name the dogs
20    " "    " " Minimum wage