LOVE BALLADS : 14 wonderful songs of passion for saxophone

Sélection/arrangt GERLITZ Carsten

Partitions Saxophone et piano avec support audio à télécharger

Illustration de LOVE BALLADS : 14 wonderful songs of passion for saxophone
Éditeur Schott Mainz
Réf. éditeur ED 22410
Collection Schott Saxophone Lounge
ISMN/ISBN 9783795709990
Réf. DIAM 259760
Prix : 29,95 € Envoi différé
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Détail du recueil

Catégorie Auteur Description
1 Saxophone/piano Have I told you lately
2    " " You are so beautiful
3    " " Hallelujah
4    " " The Rose
5    " " Something stupid
6    " " Down by the Salley gardens
7    " " You are the sunshine of my life
8    " " Greensleeves
9    " " If you leave me now
10    " " COLLINS Phil Against all odds
11    " " POLICE Every breath you take
12    " " JOHN Elton Your song
13    " " Just the way you are
14    " " I don't want to miss a thing