Trumpet anthology

Auteur BAY William (Bill)

Partitions Trompette seule avec support audio à télécharger

Illustration de Trumpet anthology
Éditeur Mel Bay Publications
Réf. éditeur MBWBM78M
ISMN/ISBN 9781737795360
Réf. DIAM 262370
Prix : 54,75 € Envoi différé
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Détail du recueil

Catégorie Auteur Description
1 Trompette seule BAY William (Bill) Abide with me
2    " "    " " Amazing Grace
3    " "    " " Be thou my vision
4    " "    " " Beneath the cross of Jesus
5    " "    " " Bread of the world
6    " "    " " Breathe on me, breath of God
7    " "    " " Come, ye sinners, poor and wretched
8    " "    " " Come, holy spirit
9    " "    " " Guide me, o thou great Jehovah
10    " "    " " Easter fanfare
11    " "    " " Glory be to Jesus
12    " "    " " Fairest lord Jesus
13    " "    " " My God will supply my need
14    " "    " " Here, o my lord, i see face to face
15    " "    " " Holy, holy, holy
16    " "    " " It is well with my soul
17    " "    " " I will arise and go to Jesus
18    " "    " " Let all mortal flesh keep silence
19    " "    " " Nearer, my God, to thee
20    " "    " " O God, we praise thee
21    " "    " " O God, unseen yet ever near
22    " "    " " Palmetto/Trumpet duet
23    " "    " " Praise my soul, the King of heaven
24    " "    " " Prasie to the lord, the almighty
25    " "    " " Rejoice, the lord is King
26    " "    " " I bow to thee, my country
27    " "    " " The Church's one foundation
28    " "    " " My Faith looks up to thee
29    " "    " " The Good of Abraham praise
30    " "    " " The King of love my shepherd is
31    " "    " " The Lord is my shepherd
32    " "    " " The Lord's my shepherd
33    " "    " " Wayfarin' stranger
34    " "    " " We gather together to ask the lord's blessing
35    " "    " " When i survey the wondrous cross
36    " "    " " When Jesus left his father's throne
37    " "    " " Love divine
38    " "    " " Wondrous love
39    " "    " " For the beauty of the hearth
40    " "    " " This is my father's world
41    " "    " " Come, thou fount of every blessing