Lips of steel, 24 endurance etudes for trombone

Auteur BALDWIN David

Sélection/arrangt RAPH Alan

Trombone méthodes - études

Illustration de Lips of steel, 24 endurance etudes for trombone
Éditeur Théodore Presser
Réf. éditeur THE44441029
ISMN/ISBN 9781598063370
Réf. DIAM 262533
Prix : 37,95 € Envoi différé
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Détail du recueil

Catégorie Auteur Description
1 TromboneMéthodes BALDWIN David Power through rest
2    " "    " " Dynamic exageration
3    " "    " " Chunking
4    " "    " " Sing from the heart
5    " "    " " Building the dynamics
6    " "    " " Mindful waiting
7    " "    " " Shorten the long notes
8    " "    " " The low blow
9    " "    " " A line at a time
10    " "    " " Time your rest
11    " "    " " Tonguing variety
12    " "    " " Steady embouchure
13    " "    " " Count while resting
14    " "    " " Blast from the past
15    " "    " " Release the pressure
16    " "    " " Breathe long
17    " "    " " Twelve-tone challenges
18    " "    " " Breathe strong
19    " "    " " Marching intervals
20    " "    " " Lip slur magic
21    " "    " " Slower wins the race
22    " "    " " Romantic style